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CBD For Dogs with Epilepsy: It Is An Effective Treatment?

CBD for pets
Written by Alexandra Hicks

Dr. Stephanie McGrath, a neurologist working with James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University, recently published the results of a preliminary study showing that CBD can have an extremely positive impact on dogs with epilepsy.

The study was small, but the findings were very promising. A total of sixteen dogs with epilepsy were enrolled in the trial, nine of which were treated with cannabidiol and seven received a placebo. The dogs were randomly assigned to their groups and the study was double-blind. Out of those nine that got CBD, 89% experienced a noticeable decrease in the frequency of their seizures.


CBD For Dogs With Epilepsy

CBD For Dogs With Epilepsy

McGrath initially became interested in studying CBD for dogs with epilepsy after observing a steady increase in the amount of calls and questions she was getting from her patients regarding the cannabinoid. “People are using CBD and they are excited about its potential,” she mentioned. “It’s a topic that is gaining traction in the media, but we truly know very little about it from a scientific standpoint.”

“This pilot study is important and it does seem like there is a positive effect from the use of CBD for dogs with epilepsy,” said McGrath while discussing her research at the annual convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Earlier this year, CSU also began a larger clinical trial for using CBD for dogs, the results of which will most likely be presented at next year’s AVMA convention. This study is funed by the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation and they plan to enroll a total of 60 dogs. We will keep you updated once they report more results.

What do you think? Is CBD a good treatment for dogs with epilepsy? Will you try it yourself? Tell us your story and we will share it with other dog owners, eager to learn from your experience.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.